Tag Archives: antioxidant

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Oxygen?

In addressing the title of this website, “Oxygen Oasis,” one reader posed a concern, “Too much oxygen causes rust –ever hear of antioxidants?”  Improperly administration of oxygen can produce a condition called oxygen toxicity.  However, absent this extremely rare and easily avoidable scenario, an excess presence of oxygen is not of issue.

It is important to understand that unused oxygen is free floating oxygen that has not reacted in a chemical process.  Oxidation occurs when oxygen is “utilized” to create ATP-energy.  This oxidation is a natural and necessary by-product of aerobic metabolism.  In proper balance, ROS actually serve the beneficial role of both intra- and intercellular messengers.

Definitions:  Oxidation is the process that causes Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) or free radicals.  Oxidative stress refers to the impact ROS has in the body.  Oxidation is sometimes analogized to the creation of rust via chemical reactions that oxidize substances.

The body has mechanisms to overcome oxidation.  Antioxidants.  Though certain nutrients and supplements can contribute to antioxidant action, the body is capable of producing our most powerful antioxidants called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).  As we age, the body begins to produce fewer SOD resulting in a buildup of reactive oxygen species.  However, research has found that a protein referred to as Nrf2 stimulates the gene responsible for producing SOD.  Using Nrf2 activating products to increase SOD is currently the source of major research focused on ameliorating a great majority of disease processes including Mito, MS, Cancer… and the list goes on.

When it comes to oxidation, It’s all about support and balance.  Without oxygen spent (oxidation), we would not generate sufficient ATP.  Poor ATP production is the core of an ever increasing list of disorders being linked as Mito related illnesses.  Without sufficient ATP, the body can’t function properly, including compensating for oxidative load which leads to further negative consequences.

This is where doctor’s jump the gun and get it wrong.  They say, “too much oxygen is bad; it causes oxidative damage.  We must limit the occurrence of oxidation.”  This is ignoring the fact that anything limiting the process of oxidation also limits ATP production, the vital energy required to support proper function.  The goal MUST BE to support the natural mechanisms that create energy and simultaneously compensate for the oxidation that naturally occurs.

When you burn fuel, you will have exhaust (oxidation).  But you can effect how much exhaust by burning more efficient fuel (healthier food options), by providing essential nutrients (supplementation), by avoiding toxins and by other means of supporting optimal function.

It works.  I’m living it, along with several others.  And the doctors keep scratching their heads wondering why I’m getting better results than they are.

The “What are Mitochondria” page explains the process of cellular respiration and the end process that results in both the most effective creation of ATP and where oxidation occurs.  The “Supplementation” page addresses antioxidants and the Editorial on Hyperbarics also covers the necessity of addressing oxidation.

Furthermore, Nrf2 activators that stimulate the NFE2L2 gene to produce more SOD are becoming a viable treatment option to address diseases associated with excessive oxidative stress and to protect against oxidative damage triggered by injury and inflammation.  The most studied, non-prescription form is Protandim.

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